About Us
Where should I park?Upon arrival, you will see guest parking in front of the main entrance of the church building.
How will I know where to go?You'll find greeters at each of our entrances to assist you once you arrive and to answer any questions you might have. If you have young children or preschoolers, our greeters can help you find our modern preschool and children's registration desks to help with check in.
What should I wear?SCBC has a "come as you are" atmosphere. You will see some dressed up and others dressed casually. We have no expectations for attire. SCBC is a welcoming place to worship, no matter what you are wearing.
What is a Sunday service like?We now offer our traditional, choir-led service at 8:30 am and our contemporary, band-led service at 10:45 am. Sunday morning small groups meet at 9:35am.
Where can my children go during a service?We believe that children are a blessing from God and should be taught about God in a fun learning environment. There is an active kids ministry on our campus. During our 10:45am service children in first through fifth grade will be dismissed to attend Kids Worship, a high energy worship service just for kids (currently located downstairs in the gym). For younger children, 3 months - kindergarten, we offer Kids' Connection, a time were your child will play and engage with other children while being taught the love of Christ.
When should I arrive?On your first visit, it would be a good idea to plan on arriving at the campus around 10 minutes before the service starts. This will give you time to park and grab a cup of coffee before the service begins.
How do I know what small group to go to?We offer numerous small group options on Sunday mornings. Our groups range in age/life stage, group size, teaching styles and content/curriculum. Contact Phil to find out more and get connected.
These answers were helpful but how do I find out more about the church?If you're interested in learning more about who we are, please join us for Discover South County class let by Dr. Childers and his wife Jeannie. They'll share the South County Story with you as well as what it means to be a Christian and a member of SCBC. They will also take time to answer questions you may have about the church. Feel free to jump in at any point during the four weeks. Each week will be self-contained so you won't feel left behind. While you’ll have a chance to join the church at the conclusion of the class, there’s no pressure.

When you enter our doors, you will be met with smiling faces and happy volunteers ready to show you where to go and answer any questions you may have.

We are unified by our devotion to Christ, to each other, and to the cause of Jesus. We live and experience life together. In accordance with 1 Cor 12:25-26, when one member suffers we all suffer and when one member is honored we all rejoice together.
We believe that the Bible is inspired by God and, as such is totally true and trustworthy. From our sermons on Sunday mornings to our small groups and student ministry lessons, we teach the Bible and how it applies to our lives everyday.

Worship at South County is more than just an hour on Sunday mornings, it's a lifestyle. Whether you are most comfortable encountering God in a fairly traditional style or through more modern approaches, our goal is to provide opportunities to set aside the cares of the world and focus on exalting Jesus.

It takes a team! SCBC has a team of leaders, both on stage and behind the scenes, who are passionate about serving the people of SCBC and the surrounding community. This team is led by Senior Pastor Dr. John M. Childers. We also have an incredible team of volunteers who passionately and selflessly serve God and the South County community
There is only one true living God. He is the Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, and Ruler of the universe and all that exists. He is without origin, has always existed, and will remain in control of all things throughout eternity.
Human beings, made in the image of God, are the supreme creation of God’s created order. All of humankind has inherited a nature flawed by sin, and even the best efforts of human beings bear the marks of our imperfection.
The Christian truths surrounding the trinity are a profound mystery. God is three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. Each person is fully God. And yet there is only one God.
God the Father is sovereign over all things and yet shares his authority with the Son. Jesus modeled submission to the will of God the Father, directed His prayers to God the Father, and acknowledged God the Father as the source of His miracles.
God the Son, who always existed with the Father, took bodily form in the person of Jesus Christ. Though He was tempted in every way, He lived a sinless life and gave His life on the cross as a sacrificial substitute to pay the price for our sins and justify us before God.
The Holy Spirit is in the world to draw persons to Christ and to make them aware of their need for a personal relationship with God. From the time a person has turned over the control of his or her life to Jesus Christ as their Savior, the Holy Spirit takes residence in their heart and life.
The Bible is God’s Word to all human beings. It was written by men under the supernatural inspiration of God. It is absolutely true and without error. It is effective in bringing about transformation of those who obey its teachings.
Salvation refers to the forgiveness of sins resulting in eternal life. It is a free gift from God. It cannot be earned by moral restraint, religious duties, or good works. Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross to rescue us from the penalty of our sins and to present us faultless before a holy God.
Believing that salvation is a result of the new birth initiated by the Holy Spirit, the follower of Christ is held secure in that salvation for eternity. What God truly initiates, He truly maintains. Having been born of the Spirit, the follower of Christ is a child of God for eternity.

Loving God and loving one another.

Pursuing Holy Spirit-filled, worship.
Committed to the authority of the Word of God.

Praying in faith.

Building disciples who live and love like Jesus.

Reaching and serving others through ministry and missions.

Sharing the message of hope in Christ with our world.

Giving faithfully.